Today was a good day.
Went garage selling with the wife but really didn’t find much so we stopped by “old faithful”…Goodwill! It is amazing what you will find there; I have found a couple of great clubs, an Adam’s fairway 3 wood ($2.00), an Orlimar 9 degree fairway wood ($1.99), a 17 degree Orlimar fairway wood ($1.99). I have also found numerous head covers, including a “Fighting Irish” driver cover for Big Joe…It looks more like a drunken Irishman…
But today I have found something that I just had to have…. A Par Aid Deluxe Ball Washer! It was sitting on the bottom shelf calling my name. I am not sure how or why someone would donate it to Goodwill…But “Thank You!” It is great shape, new brush’s, a new towel, no scratches or body damage. I picked it up for $14.99; used models like the one I bought are going between $150 & $200 on EBay. I am going to add it to my collection that I plan on using in a “golf” area I am setting up in the garage (my choice of location, not Darci).
Sounds like you'll have fun washing your balls!